Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Cate and Claire!!!

I can hardly believe the girls just turned 3. I know everyone says this but the time really does go by so quickly. This year the girls were really excited about their Hello Kitty birthday party and really understood what it was all about. They loved every minute of it. We had their party at the Little Gym. Since they take classes there they are really familiar with the facility and I think that made them feel really comfortable. Everyone had fun playing with the bells, parachute, jump track, balls, etc. The party hosts were so much fun and really got down and played with the kids so everybody had a good time. Afterwards, we all enjoyed a little pizza and birthday cake. It was so fun watching them blow out the candles and really get into it this year. Afterwards, we headed home and the girls put on their PJs to open presents. It is so funny watching them take turns and help each other out with the gifts. You would think they would be possessive over which gift is theirs, but they really just joined in and opened them together. Happy Birthday sweet girls!

The invitation.

My two excited birthday girls!

Two Hello Kitty birthday cakes.

Brant playing at the party.

Fun friends: Reese, Collin, Kelsey and Campbell

Sweet Claire.

Mommy friends: Dana, Alicia and Terri

Nana and Apa came to celebrate at their party.

The kids loved playing with the parachute.

The birthday girls take a spin on the parachute.

Nana and Cate.

Sawyer on the jump track.

Kelsey and Campbell having some pizza.

Claire ready to sing happy birthday.

Cate showing off her birthday smile.

Brant wearing his birthday hat.

Reese and Cole.

Nana and Aunt Ali helping Cate on the balance beam.

Opening presents at home in their PJs after the party.

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