Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Fall Party at Sonshine School

The girls had their Fall party at Sonshine School on the Thursday before Halloween. It was so cute because all of the kids and their teachers wore their costumes and the kids were so excited. Somehow I got put in charge of the craft for the group, so we brought in orange helium balloons and glued on Jack O' Lantern faces. Despite the loss of a few balloons it went pretty well. Daddy surprised us by showing up at the party after he took Brant to school. The girls were squealing and excited to see him and have him at the party.

Claire in her Jasmine costume. She had to hold her princess harp (not part of the costume).

Cate hammin' it up in her Ariel costume.

Claire was over the moon to wear her Jasmine costume. Just beaming.

The girls with their teachers.

Brian and Claire

All the kids in their costumes at the table.

Cate with her balloon Jack O' Lantern.

Cate with her cookie and balloon.

Dad visiting with Cate and Claire.

Mom with her girls.

The princess castle was a huge hit--everyone wanted to play with it.

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