Sunday, November 8, 2009

Adventure Guides Camp

Brant and Brian went on their first Adventures Guides campout this weekend at Camp Grady Spruce. It was a little bit of a challenge for Brant because he is a home body and most comfortable with the familiar, but I think he started to adjust and enjoy himself and will hopefully be better able to enjoy the spring campout even more than this one. They stayed in a large cabin with bunk beds and had so many activities that they could participate in . . . sounded like a lot more going on than I remember from Girl Scout camp back in the day. They had fishing, horse back riding, archery, BB guns, etc. Brant chose not to go horseback riding, but did try out the BB guns and fishing and loved the fireworks the last night and I know he loved spending the weekend with dad. Brian said he was the first one in their group to start playing with the other boys in their cabin and they chased, wrestled and had light saber fights just like you would expect from a group of young boys.


Two of Brant's friends from school, Michael and Shmuli and their flashlights.

Some of the dads and sons fishing on the lake.

Brant on the beach.

The horse barn.

Our group preparing to ride horses.

Some of the boys out by the lake. (Brant is on the far left).

Brant and daddy.

A little touch of home. Playing video games on daddy's blackberry.

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