Monday, January 10, 2011

The Beauty of Twins

One of the things that I adore so much about having twins is the all their differences. I assume most people think twins (especially same sex twins) would be pretty similar. Same sex, same parents, same age, etc. It never ceases to astound me how untrue this really has turned out to be. Cate and Claire are so wonderfully fascinating in part because they are so fabulously adorable, but also because they are so amazingly unique. Cate is so precise and exacting. She impresses me with the amount of detail she notices and how well she is able to pick up on new things. Claire takes it all in stride. Mostly easy-going and fun-loving. She is not afraid to try something crazy, fall down and laugh at herself. On the way to dance today Cate declares dramatically, "Today I'm going to dance BEAUTIFULLY!" and Claire does not miss a best in proclaiming that she is going to show Miss Brenna her "cool moves" with a giggle. Ahhh, they are lights in my life. What a gift to see how differently God has created them.

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