Friday, August 7, 2009

Random Summer Fun Pics

Camping in the Master Bedroom:

Brant wanted to build at tent and it was getting pretty late, so Brian suggested building one in our bed. Brant and Brian pulled the sheets up over the head boards and had the inside stuffed with pillows and Brant climbed in to read with his flashlight. My heart melted when we went in to find him later fast asleep with the flashlight still in his hand. I kind of woke him up taking the picture, but could not resist.

Brant asleep in his tent.

Camp Devlin campsite

Lounging in our jammies and changing into jammies mid-afternoon is one of B's favorite things to do in the summer (and afterschool). His combos are sometimes questionable to mom, but I guess you have to have the fashion sense of a 6 year old boy to "get it".

Classic Claire moment: Laughing, Smiling and being LOUD!

The Popcorn Picnic:

The kids love to eat popcorn and they are so funny. Somehow they have decided that popcorn=picnic and they like to bust out the blankets in the breakfast area and eat their popcorn. Here is at little popcorn picnic post-swim.

The girls love to be tickled and their laughter is just music to my ears. I dread the day those toddler laughs are gone forever. I was trying to capture a few pictures to commerate the moment, but if you've ever tried to hold the camera still while tickling kids you know it's almost impossible. Here is one of the only decent ones.

Big Girl Panties:
Well, we finally went out and purchased lots of princess and Dora panties for the girls and they think they are the coolest. We also picked up a Pink Princess Musical Potty. I haven't really started training them yet, but sometimes when we are home in the afternoon I'll put on their panties and try to remind them to use the potty. They have been successful on a couple of occasions, but I think we will need to buckle between Brant going back to school and the girls starting back to preschool in the fall.

Showing off those panties . . .

Cate posing on the stairs.

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