Friday, August 7, 2009

A Date With Nana

Last Friday we had a little time between the end of Brant's Power Kids camp and his handwriting class in Plano, so I thought I'd call up Nana and see if she could meet us for a little while at a park in downtown Plano (this is close to where she works). She came into town a little early and we had such a nice time. The park there is wonderful! There were a lot of big, shady trees, 2 playgrounds, a pavillion, an old train on display and a walking path with a bridge over the water. The kids loved seeing Nana and exploring a new park. Brant was a very protective older brother around the water. He was afraid the girls were going to fall in and insisted that they hold his hand. It was really sweet if a bit over board. After playing and exploring we ended up playing under the big pavillion. Whenever Cate sees a big open space like this she loves to run and dance and do her "ballet". Then Claire decided to be an airplane. I asked Brant if he could be an airplane and he told me "NO!" . . . "I'm a JET!". So everybody ran around playing airplanes and jets for a little while. I was so thankful mom was able to meet us. We are going to have to do it again soon.

Nana and the kids posing on the bridge.

Holding hands.

A sweet moment with Claire and Nana.

Going to see the birds and ducks.

Beautiful Cate and her curls.

Airplane Claire and her McDonalds french fries . . . she wasn't letting them go.

Brant the jet.

Brant checking out the train.

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