Saturday, May 16, 2009

Field Day at Oakhill Academy

We had a great time attending field day at Brant's school this week. They did some of the typical relay races and had an egg drop. For the egg drop, all of the classes designed and made containers to hold and cushion their eggs and the firemen came out and dropped them off the extended ladder. It was actually pretty exciting. All of the classes who had their egg come out of the drop unbroken won a party. The kids had a good time and wrapped up the morning with a picnic lunch.

My gorgeous, happy boy!
Daddy with Brant and Shmuli
Group shot for field day.
Races in the gym.
Lining up for some of the outside races.
Brant was so dedicated to getting this tire around the track and struggled, but got it all the way around.
Everyone ready to watch the egg drop.
The firemen dropping our egg.
How did our egg do? Is it still together?
Brant and Michael high-five to celebrate our egg making it through the drop.

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