Thursday, September 10, 2009

Exploring the River Walk

On Saturday morning the Galloways had a birthday party to attend, so we took the kids down to the river walk for a little look-see. It was so nice not having to bring the stroller and letting the kids walk. They loved exploring all the flowers, rocks, birds and sights down by the river. I always forget how pretty it is and Brian and I enjoyed drinking our coffee and doing a little sight seeing ourselves. The girls wanted to go for a boat ride, but Brant refused so we decided not to push the issue. I wanted to take some great pictures because the scenery was so beautiful, but the kids did not want to cooperate and do a photo session. Oh well, no Christmas card picture from the river walk this year I guess. We did have a good time and ended up stopping for an early lunch before we headed back. I was so glad we went down there early because it was starting to get crowded at lunch time and we got to enjoy the morning with less company.

Brant is getting to be such a little man. I can hardly believe those preschool days are behind us and he is starting first grade this year.

Claire showing her excitement. The girls thought the riverwalk was so cool.

Brian holding his girls and hanging with Brant.

Daddy exploring with the kids.

I tried to pose for a picture with all 3 of the kids, but didn't get much cooperation. Here is our best effort.

Mommy with her girls.

So much to look at. Cate and Claire are fascinated by flowers and wanted to stop and see them all. Brant and the girls love to pick up sticks and rocks to bring along.

The kids with the beautiful river walk behind them.

Brant digging into his favorite dish--Queso!! I don't think there is a more perfect spot for it than the riverwalk. Viva San Antonio!

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