Sunday, July 26, 2009

The JFK Museum and Founder's Plaza

One thing I love about having people visiting from out of town is that you end up doing things that you wouldn't do on your own. Tracey and Kaylan wanted to visit the 6th Floor Musueum while they were here, so on Friday we headed downtown. Brant had school that morning and my mom was supposed to keep the girls, but she got sick so Cate and Claire made the field trip with us. First we walked over and saw the Memorial in Dealy Plaza, grassy knoll and checked out Founder's Plaza. Then we headed inside. Unfortunately, it is really something that 2 year olds cannot enjoy, but Tracey, Brian and Kaylan listened to the audio tour while I corraled the girls. Then we headed over the pick up Brant from school and we ate lunch at Chuys. It was fun being back in the uptown area and seeing some of our old stomping grounds. I wanted to take the kid's over to Wild About Harrys for some custard after lunch, but I think by that time everyone was worn out and they were unenthused. They did enjoy Chuys and Brant thought the Elvis statue was pretty cool. Kaylan won the girls a ballerina bear stuffed animal on of the games inside and that was a huge hit and they had to share back and forth over lunch.

Tracey, Brian and Kayla in front of the Dealy Plaza Memorial

The Book Depository Building and 6th Floor Museum

Devlin's overlooking the "grassy knoll"

Founder's Plaza with the Red Courthouse in the background

Kaylan and Cate in the lobby of the 6th Floor Museum

Lunch at Chuys

Claire with the ballerina bear

Brian and Brant checking out Elvis

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