Monday, April 27, 2009

January Means Fun in the House (Mostly)

We spent most of the month of January playing in the house. Brant likes to enlist Cate and Claire in his idea of fun. Cate is usually the most cooperative wearing the Storm Trooper helmet or chasing Brant with a light saber. I love this picture of her with her princess crown, "baby" (pink monkey) and holding the light saber. Captures what it means to be a little sister with an older brother perfectly. Claire will also play along with building rocket ships out of legos and then flying them through the house. They like to run in a loop chasing each other through the dining room, kitchen, breakfast area, family room, entry hall, formal living room and then back to through the dining room (making rocket noises). I worry a little bit about falls or running into furniture, but they seem to enjoy it. Claire likes to color the most and will ask for the crayons. Brant and Cate have not don't seem to enjoy coloring as much but they give it a go once in awhile.

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