Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Grandfriend's Day at Oakhill Academy

It was a really exciting day at school for Brant. Nana and Apa' met us at 8:30 and got to spend the whole morning at school with him. They had a speaker come in and speak to just the grandparents and then Brant got to give them a tour of the school campus and all of the places he visits daily, as well as, the site for the new T. Boone Pickens science wing. They were also able to spend some time in his classroom and look over some of the things he has been working on. His teacher shared with them that Brant has a real knack for math and seems to enjoy math and science the most of all his subjects. We were so happy that they had the chance to see how special Oakhill is to our family and what a great place it is for Brant to attend school. Brant was so proud and excited to show them around. We love you, Nana and Apa'!

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